How to Write Your Memoirs & Genealogy Journey – Part 1

What are memoirs and how do I write one? Memoirs are a way to tell a person’s story by writing down their memories. They give readers an uncommonly close look at people and events that might otherwise have been forgotten. Memoirs can be about anything from a famous figure, to a family’s history, to theContinue reading “How to Write Your Memoirs & Genealogy Journey – Part 1”

DNA Testing

Ancestry DNA Testing is a type of genetic genealogy that traces your ethnicity and geographic origins. Family Finder is a type of genetic genealogy that identifies relatives who are not part of your family tree.
Family Finder also known as Family Tree DNA is a genetic test that looks at your DNA to find out about recent family history. Family Finder can tell you where you come from on both sides of the family, and how closely related you are to other people in the world. It is designed to find relatives on any of your ancestral lines within the last five generations.