17 Resources For Tracing Your Family Ancestry

As you get older, finding your “roots” becomes more important in discovering who you are and where you came from. But where to start? In this article you’ll find a list of 15 resources to get you started on your family tree saga.

Taking a FREE Course and Learning About Genealogy

Why is genealogy so popular? Compassion in learning the history of our ancestors which helps us gain a greater understanding of how they lived in the past.

This is a very important step for anyone thinking of or is new to starting their family tree. 

Are you contemplating taking a genealogy course? If the answer is yes! Read on…

Your Legacy: Making Your Family Tree For Free

Have you ever wondered and asked yourself “How can I make my family tree for free?”.  This is a very common question among beginner family historians. Genealogy can become a very expensive hobby so here are some ideas to get you started and create your family tree for FREE! Download a free family tree softwareContinue reading “Your Legacy: Making Your Family Tree For Free”